Tukka o kyl vaihtunu, tuntuu lyhenevä koko aja XD Täl hetkel o 3mm siili takan ja sivuil~
Uusii korvakorui hankittu, vasemmal näkyvä vihree puukorvis ostettii pualiks Nenra kaa Jazzeilt :3
Ja Levi-tukka o ain FABULOUS~
Noruz being random here and introducing her hair, yes. This is definitely another succesful day haha~
It's been few days over one year since I started this blog and I hope that the derping will continue~ My hair keeps getting shorter, I've bought new earrings (the green one in the second picture was bought from Pori Jazz festival with Nenra :3 ) and the Levi-hair style is fabulous lol
I seriously love you guys :D Oh and I decided to make this blog bilingual since I need to practise my English :3 What do you think, good or bad idea?